1.2 MIP Variable: C3H8 Volume Mixing Ratio (c3h8)

Record Label : c3h8

Record Title : C3H8 Volume Mixing Ratio

CF Standard Name : mole_fraction_of_propane_in_air

Units of Measure : mol mol-1

Record Description : Mole fraction is used in the construction mole_fraction_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : AerChemMIP endorsement (1)

Record Identifier : fe6c7b96-a41f-11e5-9025-ac72891c3257

MIP Defining this Variable : AerChemMIP

Link to Units section : molpmol

CMOR Variable : C3H8 Volume Mixing Ratio