1.2 MIP Variable: Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation per Unit Area Due to XY Friction (dispkexyfo)

Record Label : dispkexyfo

Record Title : Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation per Unit Area Due to XY Friction

CF Standard Name : ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_xy_friction

Units of Measure : W m-2

Record Description : Depth integrated impacts on kinetic energy arising from lateral frictional dissipation associated with Laplacian and/or biharmonic viscosity. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was 3d, whereas the CMIP6 depth integrated diagnostic is sufficient for many purposes and reduces archive requirements.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : OMIP_Oyr

Record Identifier : f56a3a44-b606-50b5-8309-b1d8cf58b913

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : wpm2

CMOR Variable :