Record Label : landCoverFrac
Record Title : Percentage of Area by Vegetation or Land-Cover Category
CF Standard Name : area_fraction
Units of Measure : %
Record Description : Percentage of grid cell area occupied by different model vegetation/land cover categories. The categories may differ from model to model, depending on each model's subgrid land cover category definitions. Categories may include natural vegetation, anthropogenic vegetation, bare soil, lakes, urban areas, glaciers, etc. Sum of all should equal the percentage of the grid cell that is land.
Processing Notes :
Processing Comments :
Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_Lmon,PMIP3_Lclim,PMIP3_Lmon,SPECS_Lmon
Record Identifier : f3710647-d155-ec76-d2c4-cdfa866be579
MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5
Link to Units section : percentage
CMOR Variable : Percentage of Area by Vegetation or Land-Cover Category