1.2 MIP Variable: Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton (intpp)

Record Label : intpp

Record Title : Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton

CF Standard Name : net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_phytoplankton

Units of Measure : mol m-2 s-1

Record Description : Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton. This should equal the sum of intpdiat+intpphymisc, but those individual components may be unavailable in some models.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_Omon,PMIP3_Oclim,PMIP3_Omon

Record Identifier : f240d371-c458-5a76-47bd-775cc97abbee

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : molpm2s

CMOR Variable : Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton