1.2 MIP Variable: Nitrogen Limitation of Diatoms (limndiat)

Record Label : limndiat

Record Title : Nitrogen Limitation of Diatoms

CF Standard Name : nitrogen_growth_limitation_of_diatoms

Units of Measure : 1

Record Description : Diatoms are phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. "Nitrogen growth limitation" means the ratio of the growth rate of a species population in the environment (where there is a finite availability of nitrogen) to the theoretical growth rate if there were no such limit on nitrogen availability.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : OMIP_Omon

Record Identifier : f1b2785c-2f21-b3ca-1fbe-97a1152920f6

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : fraction

CMOR Variable : Nitrogen Limitation of Diatoms