Record Label : hfsso
Record Title : Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux
CF Standard Name : surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux
Units of Measure : W m-2
Record Description : Downward sensible heat flux over sea ice free sea. The surface sensible heat flux, also called turbulent heat flux, is the exchange of heat between the surface and the air by motion of air.
Processing Notes :
Processing Comments :
Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5,C4MIP,HighResMIP,ISMIP6,LS3MIP,PMIP
Record Identifier : e60a812c-3a43-51f1-747a-8bf9fb48aec8
MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5
Link to Units section : wpm2
CMOR Variable : Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux