1.2 MIP Variable: Aerosol Level Asymmetry Parameter for Each Band (aerasymbnd)

Record Label : aerasymbnd

Record Title : Aerosol Level Asymmetry Parameter for Each Band

CF Standard Name : asymmetry_factor_of_ambient_aerosol_particles

Units of Measure : 1

Record Description : The asymmetry factor is the angular integral of the aerosol scattering phase function weighted by the cosine of the angle with the incident radiation flux. The asymmetry coefficient is here an integral over all wavelength bands.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [RFMIP]

Record Identifier : b089240c-a0da-11e6-bc63-ac72891c3257

MIP Defining this Variable : RFMIP

Link to Units section : fraction

CMOR Variable : Aerosol Level Asymmetry Parameter for Each Band