1.2 MIP Variable: Flux of Inorganic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff (icfriver)

Record Label : icfriver

Record Title : Flux of Inorganic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff

CF Standard Name : tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_inorganic_carbon_due_to_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution

Units of Measure : mol m-2 s-1

Record Description : Inorganic Carbon supply to ocean through runoff (separate from gas exchange)

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : OMIP_Omon

Record Identifier : 9c4f9fe0-4add-d510-e5fb-edd35e01a5db

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : molpm2s

CMOR Variable : Flux of Inorganic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff