1.2 MIP Variable: Particulate Source of Dissolved Iron (fediss)

Record Label : fediss

Record Title : Particulate Source of Dissolved Iron

CF Standard Name : tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution_from_inorganic_particles

Units of Measure : mol m-3 s-1

Record Description : Dissolution, remineralization and desorption of iron back to the dissolved phase

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_Oyr

Record Identifier : 9af5cb75-998b-b01d-3295-8af3aeb30083

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : molpm3s

CMOR Variable : Particulate Source of Dissolved Iron