1.2 MIP Variable: Northern Hemisphere Tracer Lifetime (aoanh)

Record Label : aoanh

Record Title : Northern Hemisphere Tracer Lifetime

CF Standard Name : tracer_lifetime

Units of Measure : yr

Record Description : Fixed surface layer mixing ratio over 30o-50oN (0 ppbv), uniform fixed source (at all levels) everywhere else (source is unspecified but must be constant in space and time and documented). Note that the source could be 1yr/yr, so the tracer concentration provides mean age in years. For method using linearly increasing tracer include a method attribute: "linearly increasing tracer"For method using uniform source (1yr/yr) include a method attribute: "uniform source"

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 [AerChemMIP]

Record Identifier : 98114e26-b896-11e6-a189-5404a60d96b5

MIP Defining this Variable : AerChemMIP

Link to Units section : yr

CMOR Variable : Northern Hemisphere Tracer Lifetime