1.2 MIP Variable: O3 Destruction Rate (o3loss)

Record Label : o3loss

Record Title : O3 Destruction Rate

CF Standard Name : tendency_of_atmosphere_mole_concentration_of_ozone_due_to_chemical_destruction

Units of Measure : mol m-3 s-1

Record Description : ONLY provide the sum of the following reactions: (i) O(1D)+H2O; (ii) O3+HO2; (iii) O3+OH; (iv) O3+alkenes (isoprene, ethene,...)

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CCMI1_monthly

Record Identifier : 8f702d9a-fa69-b3f0-e0fb-2a64470e12d8

MIP Defining this Variable : CCMI

Link to Units section : molpm3s

CMOR Variable : O3 Destruction Rate