1.2 MIP Variable: Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (ocontemppmdiff)

Record Label : ocontemppmdiff

Record Title : Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion

CF Standard Name : tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_eddy_diffusion

Units of Measure : W m-2

Record Description : Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion. Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : OMIP_Oyr

Record Identifier : 7c5c71f9-69a6-318b-3fa5-ff2875272caf

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : wpm2

CMOR Variable :