1.2 MIP Variable: Northward Eddy Temperature Flux (vt100)

Record Label : vt100

Record Title : Northward Eddy Temperature Flux

CF Standard Name : covariance_over_longitude_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature

Units of Measure : K m s-1

Record Description : Zonally averaged eddy temperature flux at 100hPa as monthly means derived from daily (or higher frequency) fields.

Processing Notes : zm

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CCMI1_monthly

Record Identifier : 76248ae1-d72c-9764-95be-67161d5a8d7d

MIP Defining this Variable : CCMI

Link to Units section : kelvinmps

CMOR Variable : Northward Eddy Temperature Flux