Record Label : siareaacrossline
Record Title : Sea-Ice Area Flux Through Straits
CF Standard Name : sea_ice_area_transport_across_line
Units of Measure : m2 s-1
Record Description : net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice area transport through the following four passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean 1. Fram Strait = (11.5W,81.3N to (10.5E,79.6N) 2. Canadian Archipelago = (128.2W,70.6N) to (59.3W,82.1N) 3. Barents opening = (16.8E,76.5N) to (19.2E,70.2N) 4. Bering Strait = (171W,66.2N) to (166W,65N)
Processing Notes :
Processing Comments :
Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [SIMIP]
Record Identifier : 73097b4c-7a68-11e6-8db2-ac72891c3257
MIP Defining this Variable : SIMIP
Link to Units section : m2ps
CMOR Variable : Sea-Ice Area Flux Through Straits