1.2 MIP Variable: Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (chepsoa)

Record Label : chepsoa

Record Title : Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter

CF Standard Name : tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_net_chemical_production

Units of Measure : kg m-2 s-1

Record Description : If model lumps secondary organic aerosol (SOA) emissions with primary organic aerosol (POA), then the sum of POA and SOA emissions is reported as OA emissions. Here, mass refers to the mass of primary organic matter, not mass of organic carbon alone.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_aero

Record Identifier : 6b9531f0-47e3-9c91-d82d-58852a429555

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : kgpm2s

CMOR Variable : Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter