1.2 MIP Variable: Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity Due to Form Drag (difvmfdo)

Record Label : difvmfdo

Record Title : Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity Due to Form Drag

CF Standard Name : ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_form_drag

Units of Measure : m2 s-1

Record Description : Vertical/dianeutral diffusivity applied to momentum due to form drag (i.e. resulting from a model scheme representing mesoscale eddy-induced form drag).

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_Oclim

Record Identifier : 62cb333e-c655-0e64-596f-563d114977af

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : m2ps

CMOR Variable : Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity Due to Form Drag