1.2 MIP Variable: Ice Crystal Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (cldnci)

Record Label : cldnci

Record Title : Ice Crystal Number Concentration of Cloud Tops

CF Standard Name : number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_in_air_at_ice_cloud_top

Units of Measure : m-3

Record Description : Concentration 'as seen from space' over ice-cloud portion of grid cell. This is the value from uppermost model layer with ice cloud or, if available, it is the sum over all ice cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total ice cloud top fraction (as seen from TOA) of each time sample when computing monthly mean.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_aero

Record Identifier : 59d5c1ca-3770-2f3a-b916-f1c9096d8f7f

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : pm3

CMOR Variable :