1.2 MIP Variable: Northward Surface Stress from Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme (tauvpbl)

Record Label : tauvpbl

Record Title : Northward Surface Stress from Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme

CF Standard Name : surface_downward_northward_stress_due_to_boundary_layer_mixing

Units of Measure : Pa

Record Description : The downward northward stress associated with the models parameterization of the planetary boundary layer. (This request is related to a WGNE effort to understand how models parameterize the surface stresses.)

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [DynVarMIP]

Record Identifier : 590f5b72-9e49-11e5-803c-0d0b866b59f3

MIP Defining this Variable : DynVarMIP

Link to Units section : pa

CMOR Variable : Northward Surface Stress from Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme