1.2 MIP Variable: Carbon-13 Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (rhc13)

Record Label : rhc13

Record Title : Carbon-13 Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1]

CF Standard Name : surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_13C_due_to_heterotrophic_respiration

Units of Measure : kg m-2 s-1

Record Description : Heterotrophic respiration is respiration by heterotrophs ("consumers"), which are organisms (including animals and decomposers) that consume other organisms or dead organic material, rather than synthesising organic material from inorganic precursors using energy from the environment (especially sunlight) as autotrophs ("producers") do. Heterotrophic respiration goes on within both the soil and litter pools.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [PMIP]

Record Identifier : 590f1f68-9e49-11e5-803c-0d0b866b59f3

MIP Defining this Variable : PMIP

Link to Units section : kgpm2s

CMOR Variable : Carbon-13 Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1]