1.2 MIP Variable: Snow Thickness in Ice Thickness Categories (siitdsnthick)

Record Label : siitdsnthick

Record Title : Snow Thickness in Ice Thickness Categories

CF Standard Name : surface_snow_thickness

Units of Measure : m

Record Description : Actual thickness of snow in each category (NOT volume divided by grid area), (vector with one entry for each thickness category starting from the thinnest category, netcdf file should use thickness bounds of categories as third coordinate axis)

Processing Notes : si

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [SIMIP]

Record Identifier : 590dfdc2-9e49-11e5-803c-0d0b866b59f3

MIP Defining this Variable : SIMIP

Link to Units section : m

CMOR Variable : Snow Thickness in Ice Thickness Categories