1.2 MIP Variable: Depth to Soil Thaw (dmlt)

Record Label : dmlt

Record Title : Depth to Soil Thaw

CF Standard Name : depth_at_shallowest_isotherm_defined_by_soil_temperature

Units of Measure : m

Record Description : Depth from surface to the zero degree isotherm. Above this isotherm T > 0o, and below this line T < 0o. Missing if surface is frozen or if soil is unfrozen at all depths.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [LS3MIP]

Record Identifier : 590d8fc2-9e49-11e5-803c-0d0b866b59f3

MIP Defining this Variable : LS3MIP

Link to Units section : m

CMOR Variable : Depth to Soil Thaw