1.2 MIP Variable: Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Melt Flux (snicemIs)

Record Label : snicemIs

Record Title : Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Melt Flux

CF Standard Name : surface_snow_and_ice_melt_flux

Units of Measure : kg m-2 s-1

Record Description : Loss of snow and ice mass resulting from surface melting. Computed as the total surface melt on the land ice portion of the grid cell divided by land ice area in the grid cell.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 [ISMIP6]

Record Identifier : 53825b08-bf01-11e6-a554-ac72891c3257

MIP Defining this Variable : ISMIP6

Link to Units section : kgpm2s

CMOR Variable : Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Melt Flux