1.2 MIP Variable: Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (osaltrmadvect)

Record Label : osaltrmadvect

Record Title : Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Residual Mean Advection

CF Standard Name : tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection

Units of Measure : kg m-2 s-1

Record Description : The phrase "residual mean advection" refers to the sum of the model's resolved advective transport plus any parameterized advective transport. Parameterized advective transport includes processes such as parameterized mesoscale and submesoscale transport, as well as any other advectively parameterized transport. When the parameterized advective transport is represented in the model as a skew-diffusion rather than an advection, then the parameterized skew diffusion should be included in this diagnostic, since the convergence of skew-fluxes are identical (in the continuous formulation) to the convergence of advective fluxes.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 endorsement [FAFMIP]

Record Identifier : 4f1bd1a2-12cc-11e6-b2bc-ac72891c3257

MIP Defining this Variable : FAFMIP

Link to Units section : kgpm2s

CMOR Variable :