1.2 MIP Variable: All-Sky Shortwave Flux Due to Dust at Toa (swtoaasdust)

Record Label : swtoaasdust

Record Title : All-Sky Shortwave Flux Due to Dust at Toa

CF Standard Name : toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing

Units of Measure : W m-2

Record Description : Instantaneous forcing is the radiative flux change caused instantaneously by an imposed change in radiative forcing agent (greenhouse gases, aerosol, solar radiation, etc.).

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CCMI1_monthly

Record Identifier : 4cabf960-7859-a83b-cb3b-c00fa8d0698c

MIP Defining this Variable : CCMI

Link to Units section : wpm2

CMOR Variable : All-Sky Shortwave Flux Due to Dust at Toa