1.2 MIP Variable: Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity (diftrxylo)

Record Label : diftrxylo

Record Title : Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity

CF Standard Name : ocean_tracer_xy_laplacian_diffusivity

Units of Measure : m2 s-1

Record Description : Diffusivity is also sometimes known as the coefficient of diffusion. Diffusion occurs as a result of a gradient in the spatial distribution of mass concentration, temperature or momentum. The diffusivity may be very different in the vertical and horizontal directions. "xy diffusivity" means the lateral along_coordinate component of diffusivity due to motion which is not resolved on the grid scale of the model. xy diffusivities are used in some ocean models to counteract the numerical instabilities inherent in certain implementations of rotated neutral diffusion. "laplacian diffusivity" means diffusivity for use with a Laplacian diffusion operator.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_Oclim

Record Identifier : 478c4382-0503-be64-675f-b49227d2f999

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : m2ps

CMOR Variable :