1.2 MIP Variable: Wood and Agricultural Product Pool Carbon Associated with Land-Use Tiles (cProductLut)

Record Label : cProductLut

Record Title : Wood and Agricultural Product Pool Carbon Associated with Land-Use Tiles

CF Standard Name : carbon_mass_content_of_forestry_and_agricultural_products

Units of Measure : kg m-2

Record Description : Anthropogenic pools associated with land use tiles into which harvests and cleared carbon are deposited before release into atmosphere PLUS any remaining anthropogenic pools that may be associated with lands which were converted into land use tiles during reported period. Examples of products include paper, cardboard, timber for construction, and crop harvest for food or fuel. Does NOT include residue which is deposited into soil or litter; end of year values (not annual mean).

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 [LUMIP]

Record Identifier : 3f306e18-b89b-11e6-be04-ac72891c3257

MIP Defining this Variable : LUMIP

Link to Units section : kgpm2

CMOR Variable : Wood and Agricultural Product Pool Carbon Associated with Land-Use Tiles