1.2 MIP Variable: Stratospheric Ozone Tracer Volume Mixing Ratio (o3ste)

Record Label : o3ste

Record Title : Stratospheric Ozone Tracer Volume Mixing Ratio

CF Standard Name : mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air

Units of Measure : mol mol-1

Record Description : Ozone tracer intended to map out strat-trop exchange (STE) of ozone. Set to ozone in the stratosphere, then destroyed in the troposphere using the ozone chemical loss rate. Please specify the tropopause definition used

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CCMI1_monthly

Record Identifier : 218a6b28-8995-11e6-b63d-5404a60d96b5

MIP Defining this Variable : CCMI

Link to Units section : molpmol

CMOR Variable : Stratospheric Ozone Tracer Volume Mixing Ratio