Record Label : tsn
Record Title : Snow Internal Temperature
CF Standard Name : temperature_in_surface_snow
Units of Measure : K
Record Description : This temperature is averaged over all the snow in the grid cell that rests on land or land ice. When computing the time-mean here, the time samples, weighted by the mass of snow on the land portion of the grid cell, are accumulated and then divided by the sum of the weights. Reported as missing in regions free of snow on land.
Processing Notes :
Processing Comments :
Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_LImon,PMIP3_LIclim,PMIP3_LImon
Record Identifier : 15fd6126-b9fb-0571-18c7-1df94403e30c
MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5
Link to Units section : kelvin
CMOR Variable :