1.2 MIP Variable: Temperature Flux Due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (hfrunoffds)

Record Label : hfrunoffds

Record Title : Temperature Flux Due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water

CF Standard Name : temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water

Units of Measure : W m-2

Record Description : Heat flux associated with liquid water which drains from land. It is calculated relative to the heat that would be transported by runoff water entering the sea at zero degrees Celsius.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : OMIP.Omon

Record Identifier : 155ede0b-ff25-78a7-36e6-379552483f4e

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : wpm2

CMOR Variable :