1.2 MIP Variable: Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction Due to Parameterized Submesoscale Advection (msftmzsmpa)

Record Label : msftmzsmpa

Record Title : Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction Due to Parameterized Submesoscale Advection

CF Standard Name : ocean_meridional_overturning_mass_streamfunction_due_to_parameterized_submesoscale_eddy_advection

Units of Measure : kg s-1

Record Description : Report only if there is a submesoscale eddy parameterization.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : OMIP.Omon

Record Identifier : 136d81b4-4d45-d8f7-c549-469ff69a74a7

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : kgps

CMOR Variable : Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction Due to Parameterized Submesoscale Advection