1.2 MIP Variable: Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base (ccb)

Record Label : ccb

Record Title : Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base

CF Standard Name : air_pressure_at_convective_cloud_base

Units of Measure : Pa

Record Description : Where convective cloud is present in the grid cell, the instantaneous cloud base altitude should be that of the bottom of the lowest level containing convective cloud. Missing data should be reported in the absence of convective cloud. The time mean should be calculated from these quantities averaging over occasions when convective cloud is present only, and should contain missing data for occasions when no convective cloud is present during the meaning period.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP5_Amon,CMIP5_CF3hr,CMIP5_CFday,CMIP5_CFsubhr,PMIP3_Aclim,PMIP3_Amon

Record Identifier : 13484743-dd33-69c6-9df9-3379e6dafbb5

MIP Defining this Variable : CMIP5

Link to Units section : pa

CMOR Variable :