1.2 MIP Variable: Depth Integral of Product of Sea Water Density and Conservative Temperature (ocontempmint)

Record Label : ocontempmint

Record Title : Depth Integral of Product of Sea Water Density and Conservative Temperature

CF Standard Name : integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_conservative_temperature_and_sea_water_density

Units of Measure : degC kg m-2

Record Description : Full column sum of density*cell thickness*conservative temperature. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.

Processing Notes :

Processing Comments :

Notes on Provenance of Variable Specifications : CMIP6 Endorsement [OMIP]

Record Identifier : 117c89cc-b574-11e6-9ed4-5404a60d96b5

MIP Defining this Variable : OMIP

Link to Units section : degckgpm2

CMOR Variable :