2.3 Dimensions and related information: Instantaneous value (i.e. synoptic or time-step value),, Global field on soil levels [XY-S] [amn-tpt] (str-x385)

Record Label : str-x385

Record Title : Instantaneous value (i.e. synoptic or time-step value),, Global field on soil levels [XY-S] [amn-tpt]

Record Identifier : a3a34612-3c2a-11e9-a042-1c4d70487308

Spatial Shape : XY-S

Temporal Shape : time-point

Cell Methods : area: mean time: point

Cell Measures : area: areacella

Flag Values :

FLag Meanings :

Description :

Processing Note : xyz

Provenance : CMIP5/OMIP

Link to Cell Methods Record : amn-tpt

CMOR Variable : Total Water Content of Soil Layer