2.3 Dimensions and related information: Time invariant, Greenland Polar Stereographic Grid, Grounded [XYG-na] [amgi-fx] (str-b109)

Record Label : str-b109

Record Title : Time invariant, Greenland Polar Stereographic Grid, Grounded [XYG-na] [amgi-fx]

Record Identifier : 9439f414-8b06-11e6-94d1-5404a60d96b5

Spatial Shape : XYG-na

Temporal Shape : None

Cell Methods : area: mean where grounded_ice_sheet

Cell Measures : area: areacellg

Flag Values :

FLag Meanings :

Description :

Processing Note : icesheet

Provenance : CMIP5/OMIP

Link to Cell Methods Record : amgi-fx

CMOR Variable :