Record Label : dvorak_tropical_number
Record Title : Dvorak Tropical Number
CF Standard Name : dvorak_tropical_number
Record Description : The Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) is used to derive a set of Dvorak Tropical numbers using an objective pattern recognition algorithm to determine the intensity of a tropical cyclone by matching observed brightness temperature patterns, maximum sustained winds and minimum sea level pressure to a set of pre-defined tropical cyclone structures. Dvorak Tropical numbers range from 1.0 to 8.0, increasing with storm intensity. Reference: Olander, T. L., & Velden, C. S., The Advanced Dvorak Technique: Continued Development of an Objective Scheme to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity Using Geostationary Infrared Satellite Imagery (2007). American Meteorological Society Weather and Forecasting, 22, 287-298.
Canonical Units : 1