Record Label : air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
Record Title : Air Temperature At Effective Cloud Top Defined by Infrared Radiation
CF Standard Name : air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
Record Description : The "effective cloud top defined by infrared radiation" is (approximately) the geometric height above the surface that is one optical depth at infrared wavelengths (in the region of 11 micrometers) below the cloud top that would be detected by visible and lidar techniques. Reference: Minnis, P. et al 2011 CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data x2014; Part I: Algorithms IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(11), 4374-4400. doi:
Canonical Units : K