3.3 Request link: linking a set of variables and a set of experiments: Omon-subset-01 (Omon-subset-01)

Record Label : Omon-subset-01

Record Title : Omon-subset-01

Record Identifier : 36aab273-ebc0-48e6-8d83-9e1dc5c3b574

Endorsed MIP requesting the data : DAMIP

Redundant : Omon-subset-01

Science objectives associated with this request : D&A

Grid options : 1deg

Grid option constraints :

Comment : hfcorr, wfcorr, masso, pbo, pso, volo, zos, zostoga, masscello, thkcello, thetao, thetaoga, bigthetao, bigthetaoga, tos, tob, tomint, tosga, so, soga, sos, sob, somint, msftbarot, uo, vo, wmo, msftmyz, msftmrho, msftyyz, msftyrho, msftmzmpa, msftmrhompa, msftyzmpa, msftyrhompa, msftmzsmpa, msftyzsmpa, hfbasin, hfbasinpmadv, hfbasinpmdiff, hfbasinpsmadv, hfbasinpadv, fsitherm, wfo, wfonocorr, sfdsi, sfriver, hfsifrazil, hfsifrazil, hfsithermds, hfsithermds, hfds, zfull, zhalf

Reference to a request Variable Group : Omon-subset-01

Option for selecting a subset of variables : list

parameter associated with *opt* : hfcorr, wfcorr, masso, pbo, pso, volo, zos, zostoga, masscello, thkcello, thetao, thetaoga, bigthetao, bigthetaoga, tos, tob, tosga, so, soga, sos, sob, msftbarot, uo, vo, wmo, msftmyz, msftmrho, msftyyz, msftyrho, msftmzmpa, msftmrhompa, msftyzmpa, msftyrhompa, msftmzsmpa, msftyzsmpa, hfbasin, hfbasinpmadv, hfbasinpmdiff, hfbasinpsmadv, hfbasinpadv, fsitherm, wfo, wfonocorr, sfdsi, sfriver, hfsifrazil, hfsifrazil, hfds, zfullo, zhalfo

Link between scientific objectives and requests : detection and attribution [DAMIP]

3.2 Request Item: specifying the number of years for an experiment :