Quality Control Ranges: Guide ranges for prw (table Amon) (Amon-prw)

Record Label : Amon-prw

Record Title : Guide ranges for prw (table Amon)

Record identifier : 10f7c42d-75a2-11ea-a424-1c4d70487308

Comment : All models in CMIP5 range, but close to max: relaxed slightly

Provenance :

Variable : prw

Maximum expected value for this variable. : 90.0

Minimum expected value of the global mean absolute value at each point in time : 12.0

Maximum expected value of the global mean absolute value at each point in time : 26.0

Status of valid_min : robust

Status of valid_max : robust

Status of ok_min_mean_abs : robust

Status of ok_mx_mean_abs : robust