1.6 Scientific objectives: atmospheric TEM zonal momentum budget analysis (MomentumBudget)

Record Label : MomentumBudget

Record Title : atmospheric TEM zonal momentum budget analysis

Record identifier : ebb4aa06-04e9-11e7-9857-5404a60d96b5

Description : Evaluation of the dynamics of momentum transport in the free atmosphere and at the surface, to understand how dynamical processes contribute to persistent model biases in the mean state and variability of the atmosphere. In the free atmosphere, limited to the Transformed Eulerian Mean (TEM) zonal momentum balace [2D, daily and monthly. The TEM diagnostics must be calculated from high frequency (6hr or shorter time intervals) atmospheric fields. The TEM diagnostics here requested are derived from the TEM primitivie equations in spherical, log-pressure coordinates, see Andrews et al (1987): Middle Atmospheric Dynamics. Accademic Press. Additional tendencies are requested, for gravity wave diagnostics. The surface momentum balance is 2D, XY, daily and monthly.

Endorsed MIP : DynVarMIP

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