1.7 Specification of dimensions: site index (site)

Record Label : site

Record Title : site index

CMOR table(s) : CFsubhr

Identifier : dbd39df3-fbf6-4b34-a852-21b12b104591

output dimension name : site

description : An integer assigned to each of 121 stations requested by CFMIP (see http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/10/359/2017/gmd-10-359-2017-supplement.zip ).

axis :

units :

index axis? : ok

coords_attrib :

bounds? : no

stored direction :

type : integer

positive :

value of a scalar coordinate :

bounds _values :

requested :

tol_on_requests: variance from requested values that is tolerated :

grid? : yes

Remarks about other items :

Spatial dimensions :