1.7 Specification of dimensions: Burnt vegetation area type (typeburnt)

Record Label : typeburnt

Record Title : Burnt vegetation area type

CMOR table(s) :

Identifier : ca04a0c5-983f-4b2b-bb47-43c84b46b1b3

output dimension name : type

description :

standard name : area_type

axis :

units :

index axis? :

coords_attrib : type_description

bounds? : no

stored direction :

type : character

positive :

value of a scalar coordinate : burnt_vegetation

bounds _values :

requested :

tol_on_requests: variance from requested values that is tolerated :

grid? :

Dimensions and related information : Temporal mean, Global field (single level) [XY-na] {:typeburnt} [amnlax-tmn]