1.7 Specification of dimensions: depth (sdepth)

Record Label : sdepth

Record Title : depth

CMOR table(s) : Lmon, LImon

Identifier : ab3ac5ca-cff5-4c04-93c7-ad61493800bc

output dimension name : depth

description : Soil layers (depth). If soil layer thicknesses vary from one location to another, interpolate to a standard set of depths. Ideally, the interpolation should preserve the vertical integral where appropriate (e.g. for layer mass content).

standard name : depth

axis : Z

units : m

index axis? :

coords_attrib :

bounds? : yes

stored direction : increasing

valid_max : 200.0

type : double

positive : down

value of a scalar coordinate :

bounds _values :

requested :

tol_on_requests: variance from requested values that is tolerated :

grid? :

Spatial dimensions : Global field on soil levels