1.7 Specification of dimensions: altitude (alt40)

Record Label : alt40

Record Title : altitude

CMOR table(s) : CFmon, CFsubhrOff, CFday, CF3hr

Identifier : 44636747-6d86-47a0-b6d7-2af46e84f261

output dimension name : alt40

description : CloudSat vertical coordinate heights

standard name : altitude

axis : Z

units : m

index axis? :

coords_attrib :

bounds? : yes

stored direction : increasing

type : double

positive : up

value of a scalar coordinate :

bounds _values :

requested : 240. 720. 1200. 1680. 2160. 2640. 3120. 3600. 4080. 4560. 5040. 5520. 6000. 6480. 6960. 7440. 7920. 8400. 8880. 9360. 9840. 10320. 10800. 11280. 11760. 12240. 12720. 13200. 13680. 14160. 14640. 15120. 15600. 16080. 16560. 17040. 17520. 18000. 18480. 18960.

bounds_ requested : 0.0 480.0 480.0 960.0 960.0 1440.0 1440.0 1920.0 1920.0 2400.0 2400.0 2880.0 2880.0 3360.0 3360.0 3840.0 3840.0 4320.0 4320.0 4800.0 4800.0 5280.0 5280.0 5760.0 5760.0 6240.0 6240.0 6720.0 6720.0 7200.0 7200.0 7680.0 7680.0 8160.0 8160.0 8640.0 8640.0 9120.0 9120.0 9600.0 9600.0 10080.0 10080.0 10560.0 10560.0 11040.0 11040.0 11520.0 11520.0 12000.0 12000.0 12480.0 12480.0 12960.0 12960.0 13440.0 13440.0 13920.0 13920.0 14400.0 14400.0 14880.0 14880.0 15360.0 15360.0 15840.0 15840.0 16320.0 16320.0 16800.0 16800.0 17280.0 17280.0 17760.0 17760.0 18240.0 18240.0 18720.0 18720.0 19200.0

tol_on_requests: variance from requested values that is tolerated : 0.001

grid? :

Spatial dimensions : Global field on 40 altitude levels