1.7 Specification of dimensions: pressure (plev19)

Record Label : plev19

Record Title : pressure

CMOR table(s) : Amon

Identifier : 1c3787a4-b21a-469d-8748-0636a6bb9f41

output dimension name : plev

description : There are 19 requested levels. If the upper levels are above the model top they should be omitted.

standard name : air_pressure

axis : Z

units : Pa

index axis? :

coords_attrib :

bounds? : no

stored direction : decreasing

type : double

positive : down

value of a scalar coordinate :

bounds _values :

requested : 100000. 92500. 85000. 70000. 60000. 50000. 40000. 30000. 25000. 20000. 15000. 10000. 7000. 5000. 3000. 2000. 1000. 500. 100.

tol_on_requests: variance from requested values that is tolerated : 0.001

grid? :

Spatial dimensions :