Record Label : siline
Record Title : ocean passage
CMOR table(s) : SImon
Identifier : 079fb8fe-9b92-4130-b157-56105ad024b6
output dimension name : line
description : 1. Fram Strait = (11.5W,81.3N) to (10.5E,79.6N); 2. Canadian Archipelego = (128.2W,70.6N) to (59.3W,82.1N); 3. Barents opening = (16.8E,76.5N) to (19.2E,70.2N); 4. Bering Strait = (171W,66.2N) to (166W,65N);
standard name : region
axis :
units :
index axis? :
coords_attrib : passage
bounds? : no
stored direction :
type : character
positive :
value of a scalar coordinate :
bounds _values :
requested : fram_strait, canadian_archipelego, barents_opening, bering_strait
tol_on_requests: variance from requested values that is tolerated :
grid? :
Spatial dimensions : Sea-ice ocean transect