1.5 Experiments: historical land-only with no land-use change (land-noLu)

Record Label : land-noLu

Record Title : historical land-only with no land-use change

Record identifier : f33153f2-69a0-11e8-80de-a44cc8186c64

Description : Land surface model simulation. Historical forcing with land use held constant at 1850. Same as land-hist except no land use change. Include representation of land cover, land use and land management. All applicable land use features should be active. Forced with historical observed climate. Include transient CO2, Nitrogen deposition, aerosol deposition etc. Start year either 1850 or 1700 depending on standard practice for particular model. This experiment is shared with the LS3MIP, note that LS3MIP expects the start year to be 1850. This experiment can and likely will be a different configuration across models due to different representations of land use for each model.

Identifier for experiment group : LmipH

MIP defining experiment : LUMIP

Model Source Types : LAND | BGC

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1700 or 1850

End year : 2014.0

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 165

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 165

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