1.5 Experiments: Idealized Southern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2 (volc-long-hlS)

Record Label : volc-long-hlS

Record Title : Idealized Southern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2

Record identifier : f16fb3a4-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : Idealised high-latitude (60S) southern hemisphere eruption corresponding to an initial emission of 28.1 Tg of SO2 (equal to half the total amount injected for volc-long-eq). The experiment is designed to span very different initial climate states to systematically assess uncertainties in post-eruption behaviour that are related to background climate conditions. If, for instance, year Y of the control integration matches the desired conditions for the initial condition sampling, then the corresponding VolMIP simulation should start with restart data from year Y-1 of the control. Run nine ensemble members for at least 20 years, but preferably longer (50 years) to cover the multi-decadal oceanic response. Initialisation date from the piControl start year is 1st April.

Identifier for experiment group : VolcLong

MIP defining experiment : VolMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM | AER CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 3

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year :

End year :

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 20

Ensemble size : 9

Total number of years : 180

Comment : Idealized Southern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2. Experiment initialized from PiControl