1.5 Experiments: offline ice sheet forced by initMIP synthetic oceanic experiment (ism-bsmb-std)

Record Label : ism-bsmb-std

Record Title : offline ice sheet forced by initMIP synthetic oceanic experiment

Record identifier : f16ea7a2-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : InitMIP basal melt anomaly experiment. Apply a prescribed anomaly of basal melting rate under floating ice, provided by ISMIP6, which simulates a doubling of sub-ice-shelf melting after 40 years of simulation for models with initial melting rates close to today's observations. Keep the Surface Mass Balance (SMB) the same as in the ism-ctrl-std experiment. All other model parameters and forcings are the same as those used for initialization. Neither SMB anomaly nor bedrock topography should be adjusted in response to ice-sheet geometric changes in this experiment. However, groups are encouraged to submit multiple "physics" ensemble members for example by changing the sliding law, stress balance approximation, model resolution, or datasets (such as using different bedrocks).

Identifier for experiment group : Ismip7

MIP defining experiment : ISMIP6

Model Source Types : ISM |

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year :

End year :

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 100

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 100

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