1.5 Experiments: offline ice sheet model initMIP control (ism-ctrl-std)

Record Label : ism-ctrl-std

Record Title : offline ice sheet model initMIP control

Record identifier : f16ea13a-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : Offline ice sheet control run for the ISMIP6 InitMIP experiments. A stand-alone ice sheet model is initialized using a modelling groups' own initialisation technique. ism-ctrl-std is an unforced forward experiment where the surface mass balance remains identical to the one used during the initialization procedure. The choice of model input data is unconstrained to allow participants the use of their preferred model setup without modification.

Identifier for experiment group : Ismip7

MIP defining experiment : ISMIP6

Model Source Types : ISM |

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year :

End year :

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 100

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 100

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