1.5 Experiments: simulation with interactive ice sheet forced by 1 percent per year increase in CO2 to 4xCO2 (subsequently held fixed) (1pctCO2to4x-withism)

Record Label : 1pctCO2to4x-withism

Record Title : simulation with interactive ice sheet forced by 1 percent per year increase in CO2 to 4xCO2 (subsequently held fixed)

Record identifier : f16e76a6-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : Increase atmospheric carbon dioxide by 1% per year to quadrupling then hold fixed for 200 years in a model with interactive ice sheets. The experiment should be identical to the corresponding standard CMIP AOGCM experiment except for the treatment of ice sheets. 1pctCO2to4x-withism forcing differs from the 1% increase in CO2 experiment in that after year 140 , when the CO2 levels = 4xCO2, the concentration of CO2 remains set to 4xCO2 for the remainder of the experiment Run for a minimum of 350 years (500 years encouraged).

Identifier for experiment group : Ismip62

MIP defining experiment : ISMIP6

Model Source Types : AOGCM ISM | AER CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : From piControlwithism

End year : As long as possible (350 or 500)

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 350

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 350

Comment : Idealized 1%/yr CO2 increase to 4xC02 over 140yrs and kept constant at 4xCO2 for an additional 200 to 400 yrs simulation that includes interactive ice sheets